Quarantine wedding planning.
How many of us thought about this before? Right?
With the outbreak of COVID-19, we’ve entered into an unprecedented time in our world. Travel restrictions, social distancing measures, and safer-at-home mandates have caused businesses to close, and this includes wedding vendors as well.
The good news is, with technology advancements like Zoom/Skype/FaceTime video conferencing, digital wedding planning, and the trusty Internet, you can still continue wedding planning during quarantine.
So here is some tips to make the process a little bit easier for you to plan your wedding during quarantine.
Rule number one is to Stay calm your wedding will happen, and it will be amazing! Have faith in your wedding planner and wedding vendors. Ask as many questions as you need to. I know its overwhelming but it’s ok to take a breather if you need it to wrap your head around all of your changes.
Rule number two - be flexible. Look at a calendar and come up with at least other 3-4 dates that would work for you. Be open to Sundays, and even weekdays if you can be. Sunday and Weekday Weddings are still as magical and amazing as weekend weddings. People will come and have the time of their lives!
What about my invitations and they are printed with your original date? Don’t panic, you can still send them out with an insert that gives the new date, another easy thing to do is update your wedding date on your website with a little blurb about how excited you are to celebrate with everyone.
If your invites were already sent out and people have already started to RSVP, the easiest way to communicate your new wedding date is through your wedding website or email to re-RSVP for the new date.
DIY- DO IT YOURSELF! During quarantine we all have more time to research and wedding is not an exception. I recommend to watch YouTube videos because wedding planning is all about creativity and imagination! Many things can be done at home, for example you can always order online wedding decorations mix and match colors, styles and items that you need for your perfect wedding. There is so many websites that can help you to DIY your Dream Wedding. For example, wedding arch is very easy to assemble and decorate with some flowers. Fresh flowers can be costly but you always can order high quality satin flowers online. You can also check our collection of DIY items
and Pinterest is a great source for DIY ideas!